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Attention, the survey! Your opinion is important to us! "Provision of social support measures to medical workers"

Today, many state medical institutions are experiencing a shortage of medical personnel, especially narrow, scarce specialties. This is a problem both in our region and in most regions of Russia.


The effect of tobacco smoking on the state of the oral cavity.

Smoking is the most common bad habit that adversely affects all organs and systems of the body. The oral cavity is primarily associated with temperature exposure and harmful substances of tobacco smoke. And there are more than 4,000 of them, including more than 40 carcinogens!


Prevention of cervical cancer: basic principles.

Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is one of the leading causes of death among women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 604,000 cases of the disease were detected in 2020, the death rate from breast cancer was 304,000 people. Screening programs are being developed worldwide in order to reduce the mortality from breast cancer. Since the middle of the XX century, the main method of early diagnosis of breast cancer is a cytological examination using the PAP test (PAP test), but since then, screening programs have been supplemented and expanded.


Watch out, snakes!

In summer, most of the townspeople rush to the forests and cottages. And, in addition to mushrooms and berries, many vipers are found. In hot, dry weather, snakes most often lie in the shade. As a rule, snakes do not attack a person themselves. They bite in self-defense. Viper venom contains substances that affect the blood clotting system. Already in the first minutes after the bite, there is a sharp soreness at the bite site, hyperemia and swelling, which gradually increases. The most dangerous bites are in the neck and head. The victim notes a sharp weakness, dizziness, nausea, possible vomiting and fainting due to a sharp decrease in pressure.


What you need to know about sexually transmitted infections.

It is quite easy to get such an infection. If sexual contact is unprotected, then more than twenty - five types of pathogens can be transmitted at a time, and, most often, these are trichomonas, myco-and ureaplasmas, chlamydia, gonococci, human papillomavirus and herpes. The incubation period of diseases ranges from two to three days to several weeks. To date, the list of STIs includes 31 pathogens: 10 types of viruses, 15 types of bacteria, 1 type of fungus, 3 types of protozoa and 2 types of ectoparasites.


Repeated vaccination against COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends re-vaccination of citizens after 6 months after the disease (including in previously vaccinated persons) or after 6 months after the previous primary vaccination (2 applications). Repeated vaccination is carried out twice (2 applications) with the "Gam-COVID-Vak", "EpiVacCorona" and "KoviVak" vaccines, or once with the "Sputnik Light" vaccine.


Youth and HIV

В России наблюдается тревожная статистка. Среди подростков увеличивается доля тех, у кого подтверждается диагноз ВИЧ. По словам главного внештатного детского специалиста по ВИЧ-инфекции Минздрава России Евгения Воронина, за пять лет число инфицированных может увеличиться вдвое: «Идет постоянное увеличение доли подростков среди детей с ВИЧ-инфекцией. Если 1,5-2 года назад подростки составляли всего 30% среди детей с ВИЧ, то сегодня их уже 50%, а через 3-4 года подростки составят более 70% детей с ВИЧ, — цитирует врача «Интерфакс».  


How to preserve reproductive health?

According to research results, the frequency of infertility in marriage in different countries ranges from 8% to 29%. The share of infertile marriages in Russia ranges from 8% to 17%.


Watch out, the heat!

High air temperature has a serious impact on the human body, leads to overloads of all systems and organs, especially the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems suffer. In addition, in conditions of heat, there is a high probability of getting colds, as people, feeling thirsty, try to drink strongly cooled water and artificially create drafts.


West Nile fever is dangerous!

West Nile fever is an acute viral natural focal disease that occurs in both mild and severe forms. The prevalence is almost universal, since the disease has been registered on all continents, but with different intensity. Seasonality is caused by the activity of mosquito vectors and lasts until the beginning of the first cold weather.


Every second person suffering from diabetes does not know about his disease.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic non-communicable disease, the rapid spread of which cannot be slowed down. Every year, the number of diabetic patients in the world increases by 17-19 million people, and more than 90% are patients with type 2 diabetes. At the same time, according to the World Health Organization, about half of those suffering from diabetes, that is, every second, do not know about their disease.


How to survive the heat for pregnant women?

Now an abnormal heat wave has been established in our region. This is a difficult test for many, especially for expectant mothers. In addition to heat and sunstroke, there is another serious danger — hypoxia (a decrease in oxygen in the air). It is fraught with weakening of strength, drowsiness. In pregnant women, these feelings can be especially strong.

Therefore, you need to protect yourself from the heat by all means. Ideally, it is better to do it outside the city, where it is easier to transfer it. If there is no opportunity to go to dachas and villages, expectant mothers (and not only them) should be especially careful. To survive the summer months with minimal discomfort, pregnant women should follow the following recommendations.


How to protect yourself from tick-borne borreliosis?

Ixodic tick-borne borreliosis is an acute infectious disease with a predominant lesion of the skin, joints, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

Non-specific individual (personal) protection of people includes:


The chief freelance endocrinologist of the Lipetsk region RCD N. P. Gorbunova told which of the patients with diseases of the endocrine system needs to be vaccinated against COVID-19

COVID-19-a potentially severe acute respiratory infection is a dangerous disease even for people who consider themselves healthy, not to mention those who have chronic diseases. The presence of chronic diseases is not a restriction to vaccination – on the contrary, they can be considered a priority indication for it.

Vaccination against this virus is absolutely necessary, especially for our patients with diabetes, older people, and those with obesity. The last year and a half have shown that patients with diseases of the endocrine system are at risk, they have an increased risk of hospitalization, complications and adverse outcomes due to coronavirus infection.


Prevention of drug addiction

Mankind got acquainted with drugs, according to archaeologists, about 40 thousand years ago, organic drugs were brought to Europe from the Middle East by the Crusaders in the XIII century, but for a long time medicine remained the main sphere of their use. And even now it is impossible to imagine medicine without drugs – they are indispensable for injuries, myocardial infarction, before operations, in oncological practice.

The turning point was the XIX century, when drugs, thanks to the development of trade, spread around the world and began to be used for non-medical purposes. Another suicidal step of mankind was the creation of first strong extracts based on herbal drugs (morphine from opium, cocaine from coca leaves), and then the synthesis of artificial narcotic substances [10].


Coronavirus infection. Article by S. V. Simonites

Dear asthmatics, patients suffering from COPD and respiratory failure associated with lung and bronchial damage!

I ask you to seriously approach vaccination against COVID-19. Your vaccination may be delayed due to an acute illness or an exacerbation of a chronic one. After recovering within 3 weeks, do not delay the date of vaccination any longer. As a rule, in the summer season, your diseases cause you less trouble, you can spend more time in the air. However, the coronavirus does not choose the season.

What do you get as a result of vaccination:


What is the danger of "intestinal flu"?

Лето является традиционным временем сезонного подъема острых кишечных инфекций. Сейчас это особенно актуально для родителей, которые спешат вывезти маленьких детей на морские курорты. Там, помимо акклиматизации и простуды, их может ожидать другой неприятный сюрприз – кишечный вирус, или, как его еще называют, «кишечный грипп».


What should I know about measles?

В неспокойное время вспышек заболеваний и пандемии, крайне необходимо быть внимательным и уметь дифференцировать схожие симптомы различных болезней.


Watch out, the heat!

High air temperature has a serious impact on the human body, leads to overloads of all systems and organs, especially the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems suffer. In addition, in conditions of heat, there is a high probability of getting colds, as people, feeling thirsty, try to drink strongly cooled water and artificially create drafts.

To prevent overheating, heat and sunstrokes, exacerbations of chronic diseases, it is recommended:


Prevention of acute intestinal diseases

Acute intestinal infections (OKI) - this is a large group of diseases caused by various microorganisms with a predominant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. There are more than 30 of them, the most harmless of them is food poisoning, and the most dangerous is cholera.

The causative agents of intestinal infections can be: bacteria (salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera), their toxins (botulism), as well as viruses (enterovirus, norovirus, rotavirus) , etc.

From patients and carriers of infection, microbes are released into the external environment with feces, vomit, sometimes with urine. Almost all pathogens of intestinal infections are extremely tenacious. They are able to exist for a long time in the soil, water, and even on various objects. For example, on spoons, plates, door handles, and furniture. Intestinal microbes are not afraid of the cold, but still prefer to live where it is warm and humid. They multiply especially quickly in dairy products, minced meat, jelly, as well as in water (especially in the summer).

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"