Inner order rules
Visiting patients in the hospital from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00
Visiting patients directly in the department is allowed if there is a pass signed by the head of the department or the deputy chief physician for medical affairs.
Children are not allowed to visit patients.
Уважаемые жители города Липецка и Липецкой области!
29 июня 2024 года, суббота, парк Победы, площадка у входа с ул. Полиграфической, с 10.00 до 12.00 состоится Праздник Здоровья «Здравствуйте!»
Dear residents of the city of Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region! On June 29, 2024, Saturday, Victory Park, the site at the entrance from Polygraficheskaya Street, from 10.00 to 12......