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Paid services "Stationary"

The choice of a maternity hospital today is available for every family, thanks to the compulsory health insurance system, in accordance with the routing principles within the framework of a 3-tier system of medical care for a woman and her newborn, regardless of financial capabilities. However, modern maternity hospitals differ significantly from each other - specialization, equipment, conditions of stay, level of comfort and the possibility of providing additional services. A mother-to-be can opt for any maternity hospital in Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region.

The State Healthcare Institution Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center is the only institution of the 3rd level in the Lipetsk region and is specialized for the delivery of high-risk pregnant women - women with severe concomitant diseases, severe complications of pregnancy, premature birth (regardless of the gestational age). The admission of a pregnant woman to the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" is carried out according to indications with a referral from the doctor of the antenatal clinic, according to the routing sheet.

In our perinatal center, if desired, future parents can use additional services while staying in inpatient conditions, providing increased comfort conditions and personalized medical care. Such services are provided on a commercial basis under an agreement for the provision of paid medical services or an agreement for the provision of services in a hospital.

Their price depends on the level of comfort - future parents can choose between different options, based on their requests and capabilities, and gives a guarantee of hospitalization in the chosen hospital under certain conditions stipulated in the contract. This means that the ward chosen by her is assigned to the expectant mother.

As part of concluding a contract for a comprehensive delivery service on a paid basis, it is possible to get acquainted with the specialists of the maternity hospital and in advance choose the doctor and midwife with whom the pregnant woman will establish a trusting contact, who will directly deliver the given patient. When meeting, the expectant mother and her relatives can ask the doctor in detail about the methods of labor management, methods of pain relief, discuss with him the possibility of active behavior during labor, partner childbirth and other necessary manipulations.

GUZ "LOPTs" offers on a contractual commercial basis services for the individual management of childbirth to any woman.

The conclusion of an agreement for a comprehensive service for the management of childbirth, cesarean section, service for a comfortable stay in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" is made after the 37th week of pregnancy.

Visits to patients in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" are carried out by the adult relatives of the patient, according to the schedule of visits to the State Healthcare Institutions "LOPC".

The cost of a comprehensive delivery service in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" (with postnatal stay):
  • Childbirth in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" with an individual approach - 59,900 rubles.
    (the cost of the service includes: guaranteed admission to the health care institution "LOPTs" with the beginning of labor, discharge of amniotic fluid and for other indications, delivery in an individual comfortable delivery room by the head of the department, the responsible doctor on duty of the highest category. doctor (in the daytime), anesthesia according to medical indications and the request of the woman, mainly by regional methods. the head of the postnatal department, supervision of the newborn is carried out by the head of the department of newborns, a doctor of the highest category.)
  • Labor management in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" providing an individual approach and the possibility of choosing specialists involved in childbirth - 79,900 rubles.
    (the cost of the service includes: the possibility of choosing a team for childbirth within the framework of 323FZ - an obstetrician-gynecologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, neonatologist, midwife, etc. (subject to their consent), antenatal counseling and examination of a pregnant woman by the chosen medical team, guaranteed admission to the health care institution "LOPTs" with the onset of labor, discharge of amniotic fluid or for other indications, labor management, delivery in an individual comfortable delivery room by a selected team with their personal arrival at any time. stay in the department of a joint stay of a mother and a child in a single room of superior comfort with the possibility of visiting during the day without limitation in duration (according to the working hours of the department). Observation in the postpartum period of a woman and a newborn by personally selected doctors. If necessary, additional examination and observation of a newborn - transfer to the department treatment of the pathology of newborns and premature babies of the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" taking into account the therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities of the department.)
  • Surgical delivery (caesarean section) if indicated according to clinical protocols with an individual approach and the choice of specialists involved in delivery - 79,900 rubles.
    (the cost of the service includes: the possibility of choosing a team for a caesarean section within the framework of 323FZ - an obstetrician-gynecologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, neonatologist, midwife, etc. (subject to their consent), prenatal counseling and examination of a pregnant woman by her chosen medical team , guaranteed admission to the health care institution "LOPTs" in a planned manner or with the onset of labor, discharge of amniotic fluid and for other indications. stay in the department of a joint stay of a mother and a child in a single increased ward with the possibility of visiting during the day without limitation in duration (according to the working hours of the department). Observation in the postpartum period of a woman and a newborn by personally selected doctors. new born and premature babies of the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs", taking into account the treatment and diagnostic capabilities of the department.)

Also, the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" provides paid services for a comfortable stay in the obstetric department of pregnancy pathology, obstetric postpartum departments, the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies.

The cost of a comprehensive service for a comfortable stay is:

  • service for a comfortable stay in the department of PREGNANCY PATHOLOGY - 10,000 rubles.
    (the price of the service includes: stay in a 2-bed superior ward with a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, hairdryer. Possibility of visiting relatives in the ward during the daytime during visiting hours according to the schedule of the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs").
  • service for a comfortable stay in the department of PREGNANCY PATHOLOGY with accommodation in a single ward - 15,000 rubles.
    (The price of the service includes: stay in a 1-bed superior ward with a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, hairdryer. Possibility of visiting relatives during the day without limitation in duration (according to the opening hours of the department)).
  • service for a comfortable stay in the midwife postnatal department - 10,000 rubles.
    (the price of the service includes: stay in a 2-bed superior ward with a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, kettle, hairdryer. Possibility of visiting relatives in the ward during the daytime during visiting hours according to the schedule of the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs").
  • service for a comfortable stay in the midwife postnatal ward with accommodation in a single ward - 15,000 rubles.
    (The price of the service includes: stay in a 1-bed superior ward with a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, kettle, hairdryer. Possibility of visiting relatives in the daytime without limitation in duration (according to the opening hours of the department)).
  • service for a comfortable stay in the department of PATHOLOGY OF NEWBORN AND PREMATURE CHILDREN with accommodation in a single ward - 10,000 rubles.
    (the price of the service includes: stay in a 1-bed superior ward with a shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, kettle, hairdryer).

Price list for paid childbirth

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Service stay in an obstetric hospital

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Medical examination (pre-trip, post-trip)

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"