What the patient needs to know about getting pain medication
The right to pain relief is guaranteed to a citizen by law. Clause 5 of Article 19 of the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" determines that the patient has the right to "relief of pain associated with the disease and (or) medical intervention, available methods and drugs".
Any patient with pain syndrome, regardless of the diagnosis, has the right to receive pain medications, including drugs containing drugs. Effective pain relief can and should be obtained not only while in a hospital or hospice, but also during home treatment. Recently, important changes have taken place in the legislation, which significantly simplified the discharge, prescription and receipt of pain medications.
The main changes that a patient or his legal representative needs to know:
a prescription for a narcotic drug that relieves pain can be issued to the patient by any local doctor;
the doctor is obliged to write a repeated prescription for an anesthetic drug without returning previously issued and used packages, ampoules, transdermal systems;
the period of validity of the prescription for obtaining a narcotic drug that relieves pain syndrome at a pharmacy has been increased from 5 to 15 days;
both the patient himself and his legal representative (relative) can obtain a prescription for a narcotic anesthetic drug. When a relative receives a prescription, a special note is made in the patient's outpatient card and prescription. To prove to the doctor the fact of family ties, it is enough to have a passport or other documents confirming this;
for patients requiring long-term treatment of pain syndrome, the dose of narcotic drugs for its relief can be doubled.
In order to improve the quality of work on the provision of medical care to cancer patients, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare has created a free "hot line" to receive complaints from citizens about violations of the procedure for prescribing and prescribing anesthetic drugs, as well as an electronic service for receiving complaints on this issue.
24-hour telephone numbers for pain relief (including weekends and holidays):
- 8 (4742) 43-29-28 - State Healthcare Institution "Lipetsk City Hospital No. 6 named after V.V. Makushchenko"
- 8-905-689-19-24 - "Hot Line" phone number
GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Station of Ambulance and Disaster Medicine:
- 8 (4742) 22-94-15 - around the clock the issue of pain relief
- 8 (4742) 22-94-10 - around the clock the issue of pain relief
Patients or their relatives who are faced with problems in obtaining pain medications can call the hotline: 8 (4742) 43-29-28, or write an appeal to
Calls to the hotline number 8 (4742) 74-04-47 are accepted around the clock, during the working day, citizens' requests are received by the specialists of Roszdravnadzor in the Lipetsk region, after hours messages are recorded on the answering machine for subsequent reply to the applicant.
The supervising body is the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare:
- round-the-clock telephone number - 8-800-500-18-35
- electronic service -