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How to avoid the development of skin cancer?

Skin cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases. It is on the 4th place in the frequency of diagnosis in men (after lung, stomach and prostate cancer) and on the 2nd place - in women (after breast cancer).

Like any other disease, skin cancer is better prevented than treated. Therefore, you should follow the rules of prevention, especially for those who are at risk.


What is hemoglobin and why is it important for health?

There are three types of blood cells: platelets (blood platelets), white blood cells (white blood cells), and red blood cells (red blood cells).

The iron-containing protein in red blood cells is called hemoglobin. Its function is to retain oxygen to deliver it to the body's tissues.

The norm of hemoglobin is: in men, 130-160 g/l, in women, 120-140 g / l.


Manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity

HIV infection of the oral cavity - pathological changes in the organs of the oral cavity, observed in patients infected with the immunodeficiency virus. They lead to the development of infectious and inflammatory, degenerative and oncological processes in the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontitis, cheilitis, viral and fungal lesions, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc.

HIV diagnosis is carried out by laboratory methods and is aimed at detecting the virus itself in the blood, antibodies to it and assessing the state of the cellular link of the immune system. Effective treatment has not been developed to date, the basis of therapy is antiretroviral drugs.


Myocardial infarction and the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has affected each of us. In a short time, the usual way of life has changed, we had to adapt to the new, constantly changing conditions of the world around us, which will never be the same. Information about the causes, manifestations and complications of a new deadly disease, from a thin stream turned into a stream of constantly updated knowledge, assumptions and hypotheses. This could not but affect patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. And the reason is not only in the direct impact of coronavirus infection on the heart and blood vessels. A huge role in the deterioration of the situation was played by the need for isolation, the reallocation of medical resources in favor of covid hospitals, the fear of some patients to seek medical help and get infected with the coronavirus, and general, unmeasurable, psychosocial tension.


Life without cigarettes!

Often, attempts by close people to help the smoker to break up the addiction do not bring benefits, and often even have the opposite effect: the smoker is even more strengthened in his desire to light a cigarette, it becomes his "best friend", alone with which it is so calm. What is the reason for your failures, because you are trying your best to help?

If you have never smoked, it is very difficult, or even impossible, to understand the effect of nicotine addiction. Any smoker can't stand talking about the dangers of smoking and that it's time to quit it more than anything else. So, the reasons for your failures are quite clear, it is worth eliminating these "gaps", and, having prepared, go to fight the nicotine enemy, which devours your loved one. To begin with, you should once and for all forget about direct requests or even threats like: "Quit smoking!", they will not cause anything but irritation.


Thyroid gland: its functions and diseases

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in the work of our body, if it does not function properly, metabolic processes are disrupted, and other systems malfunction. It is no coincidence that one day of the year was dedicated to this organ – today, May 25, World Thyroid Day is celebrated.

The name "thyroid" was given to it by the anatomist Thomas Worth in 1656, the gland in its shape reminded him of the shields of the warriors of Ancient Greece. And the first mention of the thyroid gland dates back to the IV century BC - they were found in the writings of Hippocrates and Plato, in the works of physicians of ancient Greece, India and Egypt. According to WHO statistics, among endocrine disorders, thyroid diseases are the second most common after diabetes mellitus.


Gynecological examinations of girls and adolescents

Special attention is paid to the reproductive health of children in our country. The urgency of the problem is connected with the growth of the general gynecological morbidity and with the difficult demographic situation in Russia. According to statistics, every tenth girl is diagnosed with a gynecological disease.

Of great importance in the prevention and early detection of problems in reproductive health are examinations of children by gynecologists in certain decreed age periods. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the following terms - 3 years, 6, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years.


How to cope with stress and fatigue after suffering from coronavirus?

Patients who have had coronavirus often continue to experience unpleasant symptoms after recovery. According to research, the most common consequences for the body are fatigue and mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

If you notice that you become tired faster even after a long rest, have difficulty concentrating on tasks and experience memory problems, then most likely you are facing post-ovoid syndrome.


Watch out, rabies!

Rabies is a naturally occurring viral disease of animals and humans that ends in death. It can be infected from a sick animal through bites, scratches, when saliva enters through damaged skin surfaces, as well as through contact with objects contaminated with infected saliva. It is possible to get infected by contact with animal skin contaminated with the virus.

From domestic animals, dogs and cats are most often the source of infection of people, from wild animals-foxes, wolves, raccoon dogs and various rodents. In order to avoid infecting humans and pets with rabies, it is necessary to follow several rules that everyone, especially children, should remember:


Seasonal allergies: do I need to adjust my diet?

May is a difficult time for allergy sufferers. At the beginning of this month, birch, poplar, willow and other plants whose pollen can cause irritation are in bloom. It will not be possible to completely destroy the allergy, because this disease is present in the human genome. But everyone can make the course of the disease less aggressive. To do this, you need to pay attention to your diet.

Different allergens (non-food and food) have a similar set of amino acids, so during the flowering period, a reaction can also occur to food:


IVF procedure. Infertility is not a sentence

People marry in order to become parents, to give life to another person, to give him the opportunity to grow up, live his life and leave offspring. To continue in their children, and then grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and so on indefinitely – the only indisputable law for man, however, as for all other living beings on Earth.

Do not delay your visit to the doctor!


Vaccinoprophylaxis - protection against infections

Modern society and especially pediatricians are well aware that vaccination is the most effective and cost-effective method of improving the health of the nation. It has long been proven that it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it and its complications. But today, as a hundred years ago, there are people who conduct an active anti-vaccination campaign.

The development of a serious disease in the post-vaccination period, especially of an unknown etiology, often serves as a reason for accusations against vaccination, although "after that does not mean for this reason". It is important to understand that by depriving a child of the opportunity to be vaccinated, we violate their constitutional right to be protected from a particular disease, and doom society to an increase in disability and mortality from potentially controlled infections. 


How to avoid the development of alcohol dependence?

Now the treatment of alcohol-dependent people has become not only a problem of an individual and his family, but also a problem of national importance. 31% of divorces are initiated by women because of their spouse's alcoholism and the subsequent scandal.


Prevention of eye injuries

Eye damage can be serious and lead to irreversible consequences. If the force of the impact is insignificant, the damage may be superficial, while small particles fall into the cornea of the eye. However, the purulent inflammation that develops in some cases, even with the most minor damage to the cornea, can lead to blindness.


Healthy donor – healthy nation

A donor is a person who gives his blood, and with it – health to the patient. Saving the life of another person, giving a piece of yourself, everyone should remember that it will benefit only if his blood is safe and does not contain viruses, drugs, alcohol, chemical compounds and everything that can harm the patient. The health of the donor is not only his personal capital, it is also the hope and health of others.


What is the danger of tick-borne borreliosis?

Ixodic tick-borne borreliosis is an acute infectious disease, with a predominant lesion of the skin, joints, central nervous system, and cardiovascular system. If left untreated, the disease progresses and can lead to horrific consequences.


Prevention of seasonal allergies

Spring-summer is the flowering season, which means that it is a difficult time for those who are prone to allergic reactions to plant pollen.


Why is iodine so important in human nutrition?

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, from 10 to 30% of the adult population in the world suffer from various diseases of the thyroid gland associated both with dysfunction of the gland and with a change in its structure. Iodine deficiency is a global health problem. The Russian Federation belongs to the region of moderate iodine deficiency, therefore, iodine-deficient thyroid pathology is not uncommon in our country.

Preventive vaccinations - protection against diseases

At the moment, there are few methods in the arsenal of modern medicine that can effectively protect the body from infections. Chief among them are preventive vaccinations, which make it possible to create protection in the human body against the causative agent of infection. Unfortunately, currently there are no vaccines for all infectious agents, but these methods of protection have been created and successfully applied to many of them - against tuberculosis, hepatitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, rabies, poliomyelitis, rubella, chickenpox, mumps, measles, etc.

About yellow fever prevention

Currently, yellow fever remains the only disease that requires vaccination when entering countries where there is a risk of contracting this disease.

In recent years, there has been an increase in natural foci of yellow fever in endemic areas. In Africa, South and Central America, outbreaks and sporadic cases of the disease are recorded annually in individual countries.

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"