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The problem of the spread of HIV infection, which concerns the entire world community, remains relevant for our country. Today, more than 900,000 people in Russia are living with HIV. In order to reduce the number of new cases of infection, the Government of the Russian Federation has approved a state strategy, one of the main objectives of which is to raise public awareness of issues related to HIV infection.

In support of this strategy, the sixth All-Russian campaign "Stop HIV" will be held from May 14 to 19, 2019/AIDS" under the auspices of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives with the active support of federal ministries and departments, religious and public associations, as well as the mass media.

One of the main objectives of the campaign is to draw attention to the topic of HIV infection and AIDS, to ensure that everyone has access to complete and reliable information about the ways of HIV transmission, protection measures against infection, methods of diagnosing infection and the irreversibility of the consequences in the event of its development, to eliminate stigmatization and discrimination of HIV-infected people.




Tuberculosis is still the leading cause of death from infectious diseases in the world. Every day, almost 4,500 people die from this preventable and curable disease, and almost 30,000 people become ill with it. In September 2018, in an effort to accelerate the fight against tuberculosis, the heads of state held the first-ever UN High-level Meeting, at which they made large-scale commitments to eliminate tuberculosis. For more than 30 years, every year on March 24, the world community celebrates World Tuberculosis Day. The International Holiday was established in 1982 by the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases together with the World Health Organization. The date of the celebration was timed to coincide with the centenary of the discovery of the causative agent of the disease — Koch's bacillus. 




As a rule, the flu occurs unexpectedly. It is provoked by viruses of types A and B. They are characterized by aggressiveness and rapid reproduction. That is why, just a few hours after infection, deep lesions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occur, which contributes to the penetration of other bacteria there.


Interesting facts about the flu

There's not much time left before the new flu season begins. Here are some interesting facts related to this disease.


A distinctive feature of the flu is a temperature of 38.5-39.0°C from the first hours of illness. If you don't, it's most likely an infection caused by another virus.



Healthy eating rules


Irrational nutrition is the cause of many of the ills of modern man. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases can be avoided if you eat right. Each person needs to monitor what foods they consume and how this affects their body in order to prevent the development of complications .


Standoff of the Century


HIV infection, one of the most serious diseases of the XXI century, a cure for which has not yet been found.. But the worst thing is that most people living with HIV do not even know that they are sick. All over the world, they are trying to correct the situation and stop the spread of HIV.

HIV, HIV infection, AIDS

An equal sign is often placed between these concepts. But this is absolutely wrong, and it is important to know about it.


Flu prevention


How to increase immunity

What harms the immune system, and what, on the contrary, helps to increase it? Read our list of simple recommendations.

What should I do to avoid getting sick?

There is an element of luck in not getting the flu, but you can get sick easily and transfer the infection asymptomatically, or you can be hard. The easiest people to get sick are people who came to the beginning of the flu epidemic healthy.


Metabolism during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a change in many processes in the body of a woman, including processes related to metabolism. Pregnancy changes almost everything: the perception of the surrounding world, taste sensations, emotions, and so on. But to ensure all the processes associated with pregnancy, significant energy costs and a fast metabolism during pregnancy are necessary.

The fact is that the work of all organs and systems undergoes enormous changes, and these changes, in order to ensure the productive work of the body of the expectant mother, as well as the growth of the fetus, need a good metabolism.

The term metabolism is a designation of all metabolic processes occurring in the body.


First screening

The first screening is part of a set of diagnostic procedures during gestation. With the help of screening studies, a specialist can identify early deviations in the course of pregnancy, which will allow timely correction of possible violations. The results are interpreted by the doctor in conjunction with all screening methods.

Dates of the event

During the gestational period, a pregnant woman undergoes only three mandatory examinations. The time of the first examination is the first trimester. The exact date of natural conception is difficult to determine, the timing can vary within 3-5 days. Therefore, the obstetric calculation of pregnancy dates is based on the date of the last monthly period, the beginning of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation.




The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of extremely common viruses that affect the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.More than 190 types of HPV are known, more than 30 of them can affect the epithelium of the urogenital tract, some of them can cause many diseases in women and men. About 80% of the sexually active population is infected with HPV during their lifetime. The risk of transmission even with a single sexual act is 80%.The source of the causative agent of infection is a sick person or carrier. 


Drugs-a step towards HIV infection


The epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the Russian Federation has continued to deteriorate over the past few years. HIV infection has spread beyond vulnerable groups and is actively spreading among the population. As of January 1, 2019, the number of registered cases of HIV infection among citizens of the Russian Federation was 1,326,237 people. At the end of 2018, there were more than 1,007,369 Russians living in the country with a diagnosis of HIV infection, excluding 318,870 deceased patients. For many years, the main route of infection in the Russian Federation was drug use. 


Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children

Prevention of influenza and SARS in children is an important and mandatory measure with which you can protect the health of your children from dangerous viruses. Timely and proper prevention of influenza in children helps not only to reduce the risks of infection, but also to facilitate the course of the disease in case of its occurrence. How the disease will proceed in a child, you can never predict. Therefore, it is better to take measures to prevent the flu in children, to try and completely protect it from infection.

Most often, children who attend preschool institutions and educational institutions are infected with viruses. It is important to know that influenza viruses, like other acute respiratory infections and ARVI, are transmitted by airborne droplets and can persist for a long time on any objects.

There are no universal remedies that can protect a child from infection with SARS, colds or flu, but you can reduce the possible risk and ease the course of the disease.

It should be remembered that with age, the susceptibility to the virus changes, for example, babies up to a year old, on natural breastfeeding, are much less susceptible to infection than their peers who eat artificial milk formulas.

The mother's body produces enough antibodies to protect the baby, but with the cessation of breastfeeding, the baby's body has to fight on its own, so the prevention of influenza in children from one year and older is very important.


Drug addiction prevention

To date, there are about six million drug addicts in Russia, and only 500 thousand of them are officially registered. The fact is that only a small part of people who regularly use drugs agree to get a medical record. Meanwhile, for 1 year, drug treatment clinics can take a load of 50 thousand people. 20 percent of all drug addicts in our country are schoolchildren. 60% are young people between the ages of 16 and 30. The remaining 20% are people over thirty.

The average age of starting drug use in our country is 15-17 years. In addition, the number of drug addicts aged 9-13 years increases every year. There are also cases of drug use by children aged 6-7 years, most often they are forced to drug addiction by parents with an existing dependence on psychotropic substances.

The main sources of drugs in Russia are educational institutions, clubs and discos. 70 percent of young drug addicts admitted that they used drugs for the first time in these places. According to statistics, one drug addict attracts 13-15 people to the use of psychotropic substances.

Over the past few years, the number of deaths caused by drug use has increased 12-fold. Among children, this figure has increased 40 times. On average, after the start of drug use, the addict lives 3-5 years.


Watch out, measles!

In recent years, the measles situation in Russia has deteriorated, mainly due to imported cases. This is due to the problems in the European region, where the main flow of infected people came from.

Measles outbreaks in Europe and the United States are mainly due to low vaccination coverage, including under the influence of anti-vaccination campaigns.

Measles is an infection transmitted by airborne droplets.

The source of infection in measles is a sick person.

The disease is transmitted by sneezing, coughing, and possibly through dust. Transmission of the virus can be carried out not only in close contact, the pathogen can be carried over considerable distances (through corridors, stairwells, ventilation systems).

Measles is widespread everywhere. If a person who has not previously had measles and has not been vaccinated comes into contact with a measles patient, the probability of getting sick is extremely high. This infection is characterized by almost 100% susceptibility.

Symptoms of this acute infectious pathology are high fever, rash, sore throat, cough, severe intoxication of the body. The rash appears on 3-4 days after the onset of the disease, primarily on the front of the head. Then the rash spreads to the neck, upper torso and gradually covers the entire body, including the limbs.


Flu Prevention

Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection that is widespread everywhere and one of the most common infectious diseases. Every year, about 500 million people in the world face this disease. According to the WHO, up to 650 thousand people die from influenza every year. In our country, 27 to 41 million people are infected every year.

Usually, the onset of the flu is in September, and the peak of the disease is in the period from February to March.

According to the data of Rospotrebnadzor for the Lipetsk region, at present, there is a seasonal increase in the incidence of influenza, ARVI, and pneumonia in the region, the nature of the incidence is sporadic. For the week of 28.01. -04.02.2019 In the region, 6,643 cases of influenza and ARVI were registered (12 of them influenza), the incidence rates are below the epidemic threshold level both among the total population and in all age groups.

Influenza is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, as well as by household means. For infection, 0.0001 ml of nasopharyngeal secretions is enough – this is a microscopic droplet, almost invisible in size. The influenza virus is quite stable in the external environment, retains its virulence (i.e., the possibility of infection) for several hours. For example, the virus remains in the air for up to 9 hours, on fabric - up to 12 hours, on plastic-up to 2 days.

Everyone can get the flu, but most often it is children, especially children under 6 years of age. The risk group also includes pregnant women, people over 60 years of age, people of any age with chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, tumors, HIV infection, etc.).

An important feature of influenza viruses is their ability to change: almost every year, new variants of viruses appear.

Since the chances of catching the flu are high, everyone should know the typical signs of the flu and prevention measures.



Flu is an infectious disease that anyone can get sick with. The causative agent of influenza is a virus that enters the nasopharynx of others from infected people.

Most people get the flu for only a few days, but some get more serious, possibly severe, up to fatal outcomes.

With the flu, the existing chronic diseases worsen, in addition, the flu has an extensive list of possible complications:

Pulmonary complications (pneumonia, bronchitis). Pneumonia is the cause of most deaths from the flu.
Complications from the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tracheitis).
Complications from the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).
Complications from the nervous system (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis, neuralgia, polyradiculoneuritis).
To avoid possible complications, it is important to carry out timely prevention of influenza and properly treat the disease itself.


Children's injuries and their prevention

Dear adults! Many serious injuries can be avoided if you keep a close eye on your children.


Children are very active in both winter and summer. However, it is during the winter period that the number of injuries and bone fractures increases significantly, especially if the child is fond of winter sports. Here, the role of adults increases, who must teach the child the rules of behavior that allow avoiding injuries, and strengthen control over their compliance. It is necessary to check the sled, whether they are not damaged, the mount on the skis, it is securely and correctly attached to the child's feet, and the skates for matching the size. It is the adults who should control the places where their children play in the winter. The slope that is chosen for sledding or skiing must be far from the road, free of sticks and tree roots. Every child should understand that riding with closed eyes, you can run into a neighbor or a tree, and the descent of the back, reduces the ability to drive a sled or ski, in a timely and adequate response to danger. 




With the help of vision, a person receives up to 90 percent of information about the world around them.

Therefore, any violation of visual function significantly reduces the quality of life.

The visual analyzer is one of the most complex systems of the human body, the state and quality of which depends on a variety of factors. These include nutrition, the nature of visual stress, bad habits and lifestyle in general. What can damage the eyes and how to maintain good vision until old age?


Prevention of cancer in women. HPV vaccination


Every year, about 6 million people are infected with the human papillomavirus, and, according to WHO, this figure has increased tenfold over the past decade. This rapid growth is primarily due to the peculiarities of sexual life.

Yesterday's and today's women are very different in their reproductive behavior – in the number of births, pregnancies, abortions. If earlier people gave birth often, and abortions were rarely performed, then in modern women, on the contrary, there are few births, and there are many abortions. She also has a lot of sexual partners. This leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the reproductive tract, and also contributes to the penetration of the virus and its reproduction. Smoking also increases the risk of disease. Nicotine and its metabolic products are tropic to the epithelium of the lower genital tract, they act on the cells as a carcinogen.


Bacterial vaginitis

2018-09-14_13-31-09.jpgVaginitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the vagina.

Most often, the cause of the development of vaginitis is the activity of bacteria. They can affect the bladder, urinary tract and vagina of almost any woman of reproductive age.

Women often do not pay attention to the manifestations of a bacterial infection of the vagina, and in vain. Bacterial vaginitis increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, endometritis and complicates the course of pregnancy.

What causes bacterial vaginitis?

The primary causes of bacterial vaginitis are the growth of anaerobic bacteria Gardnerella and other related microorganisms.

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

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