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HIV is not a sentence, but a number of necessary rules should be followed


The spread of HIV infection continues to be one of the most serious problems of mankind. Despite the efforts of scientists, HIV infection is currently an incurable chronic infectious disease.For 35 years, no cardinal way of treating this disease has been found. But, thanks to modern advances in medicine, progress has been made in the fight against it.

Detected infection in the early stages, timely initiation of treatment and regular observation by a doctor – these are the basic rules, observing which an HIV-infected person can live to a very old age.In addition, new means and methods of treatment are constantly being developed – every year an HIV-infected patient has more and more chances to become a person who does not depend on HIV.

Many people who first learn about their HIV-positive status are lost and do not understand how to live on.Getting a positive HIV test result is a real blow. On the shoulders of a person who finds out that he is HIV-infected, not only worry for his life and health falls, but also for the fate and health of his spouse, as well as the unborn child.

Learning to live with HIV is a difficult task, it requires a lot of time and effort, and a person cannot cope with certain difficulties alone. In some situations, the support of relatives and close people is necessary. In others - the experience and help of people living with HIV. There are problems that cannot be solved without information and support from specialists. This is the basis of the work of services for people with HIV: support for the immediate social environment, the possibility of mutual assistance for HIV-infected people, the provision of information and support from qualified specialists. Overcoming problems depends on the person himself.

The most important thing people living with HIV should know: HIV infection is not a sentence, but a number of necessary rules should be observed:

  • Knowing your HIV status is the first and most responsible step that can save not only the life of an HIV–positive person, but also the lives of those who are dear to him!
  • Clearly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, get more information about this disease, then the HIV-infected person will be able to control the disease, and not the disease to control it. Be sure to constantly consult with doctors, not be afraid to ask them or find out something. Ask at least a thousand and one questions – patients need to know everything about the disease in order to continue to lead a full life. Neither the quality nor the life expectancy of HIV-positive patients today differ from people without HIV infection.
  • Regularly take medications to treat HIV infection. This will help to preserve (or restore) the ability to work, improve the quality and increase the life expectancy of a person living with HIV.
  • Finish your education and go to study further. Well-educated people are in demand all over the world now. Getting new knowledge is not only a way to distract yourself, but also an opportunity to make life more fulfilling and successful.
  • Make a career. Being a good specialist is not only an opportunity to provide for yourself, your family and children financially. This is also a reason for legitimate pride. For example, the famous American basketball player Irwin "Magic" Johnson, who announced his HIV-positive status in 1991, received Olympic gold in Barcelona a year later, continued his sports career for another five years and is still alive. And if you want, you will find hundreds more examples of what people living with HIV have been able to achieve.
  • Give birth to healthy children. HIV-infected people have this opportunity. Protect them, love them, help them grow up to be decent people. And be sure to wait for the grandchildren.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, start moving more and eat healthy food. Doctors note that this helps to control the viral load.
  • Enjoying life and being happy is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Believe in yourself and love yourself. Find new goals in life. The main thing is not to get hung up on HIV infection.

It is necessary to understand that HIV is the same disease as any other disease. And if a person is found to have HIV infection, he should know what to do: LIVE!

Leading psychologist GUZ "LOTSPBS and FROM"
Kolcheva L. A.

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