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About disinfection of mobile devices


A mobile phone that we practically do not let out of our hands (and in a variety of places) can be one one of the main sources of bacteria and viruses-the causative agents of a wide variety of infections.

Why is this happening? There are several main reasons:

  • a mobile phone is often passed from hand to hand, and the owner of the phone does not always take it just now with washed hands;
  • the mobile phone is held very close to the face when talking;
  • many gadget owners simply never clean them, for fear of damaging them;
  • many people take their mobile phones with them to the toilet – a place very "rich" in various pathogens.

A particularly important role can be played by the mobile phone as a carrier of influenza pathogens, other viral respiratory diseases. infections and, in particular, the COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

How to avoid infection?

First:strictly observe hand hygiene – after visiting public places and toilets, always wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds, then wipe them dry with a disposable paper towel. It is highly advisable to have at take antiseptic wipes or liquid products (gels, sprays, etc.). So you can always keep your hands clean even if it is not possible to wash them.

Second:regularly treat the phone itself with antiseptic agents, especially where the case of the gadget is it touches the face. If there is a cover-then it must be removed and processed separately during processing (and it is better to do it at all do without it).

To combat influenza and SARS viruses (and coronaviruses), it is best to use alcohol-based wipes and gels.

The phone should be processed after each visit to public places, public transport, etc. And be sure to after the end of the working day.

Information prepared by GUZOT "Tsozimp"

according to the materials of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

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State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

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17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"