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Prevention of urological diseases in children


Many people believe that a urologist is a male doctor. In fact, this specialist treats both men and women, and even children. Parents, receiving a referral from a pediatrician for their child in urology, often wonder why?Even small children are not protected from urological diseases. A special pediatric urologist will help you find them and deal with them.

Children's urology deals with infectious, inflammatory and hereditary diseases of the genitourinary system, which, left unattended, can lead to the development of prolonged inflammatory processes, failure of the kidneys and urinary system, and a significant decrease in the quality of life of the child. In addition, the pathologies of the development of the penis and testicles in boys can be cured relatively painlessly in the early stages, and in the later stages-they require a long and exhausting treatment, which may not give the desired effect.

Urological diseases in children can be congenital and acquired, parents should know the main types of children's urological diseases in order to detect the disease at an early stage and consult a doctor for quick and effective treatment.

As a rule, most urological diseases in children are congenital. Acquired diseases are more often diagnosed in adult patients. Urological diseases in children are associated with the pathology of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, in boys — also with the pathology of the formation of the penis, foreskin and testicles. It can be difficult to detect urological diseases in children at an early age, because the disease is often asymptomatic. However, pediatric urologists strongly recommend that you follow the rules of hygiene and a number of preventive measures that will significantly reduce the risk of developing urological diseases. First of all, parents should pay special attention to the features of the anatomy of the child's external genitalia, since the pediatrician examines them only during preventive checks, and parents can do this regularly.

Urological diseases in children most often develop due to the following reasons:

  • Congenital pathology. Chronic kidney problems in parents — a reason to show the baby to the doctor once again. In addition, most of the urological diseases associated with the incorrect development of the penis and testicles also manifest themselves at an early age.
  • Infection. Every child faces the risk of an infectious disease — and among them are those that affect the urinary system and kidneys.
  • Violation of hygiene rules. The accumulation of urine and smegma residues under the foreskin in boys, the prolonged stay of the child in a wet diaper are the most common examples of hygiene problems that lead to urological problems.
  • Hypothermia, especially associated with the fact that the child was in a wet diaper for a long time.

Complaints of pain, difficulty urinating, changes in the color of urine in a child — all these are quite serious reasons for examination in order to diagnose diseases of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system. Another common symptom that causes concern in the parents of the child is a violation of urination. The child may complain of pain in the process of urination, in addition, he may urinate too rarely. Pain in the kidney area, which the child complains of, is also a reason to go to the doctor.

The absence of alarming symptoms does not mean that the child does not need to be taken to a urologist. A routine check-up is required before the age of 1, at the age of 3, and at the age of 14.

  • Up to a year of visiting children's urology will allow you to determine the genetic malformations of the genitals: narrowing of the foreskin, non-omission of the testicles, reduction of the penis and testicles. It is better to treat such diseases as soon as possible.
  • Three years is the age when boys can develop diseases like hernias, dropsy. They should also be identified as early as possible.
  • A 14-year-old boy is likely to develop testicular vascular diseases, so a visit to a urologist is also mandatory.

Children's urological diseases in boys deserve special attention and separate study, as they can often be detected at an early stage. Let's list the main types of these diseases.

  • Cryptorchidism — the absence of testicles in the scrotum. It is detected by simple probing, and if detected at an early age, it can be cured without surgery.
  • Dropsy of the testicle— accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. It is detected during external observation, often requires only preventive measures on the part of parents and the supervising doctor.
  • Phimosis-narrowing of the foreskin, which makes it impossible to remove the head of the penis. This is a normal condition of the external genitalia in boys up to a year old, but after this age it is worth consulting a doctor if phimosis continues.
  • Inflammation of the foreskin is detected during an external examination — and in the case of acute or purulent inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Varicocele – varicose veins of the testicle, which is observed in adolescence. It is most likely that the child himself will find it, so it makes sense to hold a preliminary conversation with the boy on this topic.
  • Hypospadias and epispadias — abnormalities of the anatomy of the penis of a congenital nature, when the external opening of the urethra is displaced along the lower surface of the penis (defined as hypospadias) or along the upper surface (defined as epispadias). With this pathology, there is a strong curvature of the penis, and a person can also suffer from urinary incontinence. The solution to the problem can be plastic surgery, but urologists advise to carry it out as early as possible — about a year old. A comprehensive approach to surgical treatment of hypospadias helps to prevent a child from having problems with urination, psychological and sexual problems in the future.

Urologists of GUZ "Regional Children's Hospital" take part in the work of the field polyclinic "Health". They go to the districts of the region so that parents with children do not have to go far from home. During the year, they examine about 1000 children, some of them reveal various pathologies. Doctors in such cases invite young patients for further examination and necessary treatment in the Regional Children's Hospital.

Head of the Surgical Department
GUZ " Regional Children's Hospital»
Sudeikina O. A.

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