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One of the main conditions for the harmonious growth and development of a child, determining his health for the rest of his life, is the organization and provision of adequate nutrition and care from the first days of life.

Mother's milk is the most useful for your baby. Having decided to breastfeed your baby, you make him one of the most priceless gifts. After all, breast milk is health.

Remember that there are no analogues of breast milk in the whole world. For successful feeding, a calm environment, proper nutrition, sufficient rest, constant attention and help from relatives and friends are necessary.

The benefits of breastfeeding.Breast milk is a fresh, sterile, optimal temperature, ready–to-use product for the baby.

  • The optimal composition of breast milk best meets the needs of a growing body in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements, and therefore the child does not need the introduction of additional food (complementary foods) up to 4-6 months of life.
  • Due to the balanced composition, the presence in breast milk of special enzymes involved in the process of digestion and absorption, their nutrition is not accompanied by any digestive disorders.
  • Breast milk promotes colonization of the baby's intestines with "useful" microorganisms, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, providing prevention of intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing allergic diseases, chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • It is known that children fed breast milk are less likely to suffer from intestinal and acute respiratory infectious diseases, due to the fact that milk contains protective factors.
  • Women's milk contains factors that protect the child from malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases, and reduce the risk of developing "sudden death" syndrome. It is known that children who are breastfed for a long time are subsequently less susceptible to hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Women's milk is rich in taurine (amino acid), unsaturated fatty acids that ensure the development of brain tissues and the formation of normal intelligence of the child.
  • It has been noticed that children who were naturally fed are more friendly, friendly, sociable, have closer contact with their mother. Breastfeeding also has a positive effect on the mother's health, reducing the risk of developing mastitis, breast and ovarian cancer.

It is very important to choose a comfortable position for feeding, not only for yourself, but also for the child. Most often, mothers feed babies in a sitting position. In the first days after childbirth, you can feed the baby lying on its side.

You should learn how to properly apply the baby to the breast. The wrong position in which the baby sucks the breast can lead to cracks, the development of inflammation, infection, which will greatly complicate breastfeeding.

Feeding mode Currently, scientists have come to the conclusion that the most acceptable and useful is feeding a healthy child at his request.

At the same time, the child can receive breast up to 10-12 times a day. Such a regime is also useful for mom, since frequent feeding stimulates better milk production, ensures calm behavior and full development of the baby. Subsequently, usually by the end of the 2nd month of life, the baby develops its own feeding regime, most often from 6 to 8 times a day.

The duration of feeding depends on the amount of milk, the speed of its separation, and most importantly – on the activity of the child. Most often, the baby is at the mother's breast for 15-20 minutes.

Every mother should know that a healthy baby who is breastfed, as a rule, does not need to be "doped up".

It is necessary to know that the composition of milk changes during feeding. So, the fat content at the beginning of feeding is 2 times less than at the end. The rhythm of lactation also changes during the day: more breast milk is produced in the morning than in the evening.

The amount of milk production depends primarily on your nutrition, lactation period, psychological microclimate in the family.

Already in the hospital, a young inexperienced mother worries that she has no milk. It is necessary to know that in the first 5 days after childbirth, milk most often does not happen, and colostrum is released from the mammary glands – a very valuable and useful product for your baby. Colostrum differs from milk with a higher protein content, contains enzymes that compensate for the low activity of digestive enzymes in a newborn, as well as immune factors that prevent the development of dysbiosis.

From day 6 to 14, the so–called "transitional" milk is secreted, and from day 15 - "mature".

It is important to know that the full formation of lactation occurs by the end of the 1st month.

How to increase milk production

  • more frequent application of the baby to the breast;
  • rational nutrition and drinking regime;
  • psychological comfort in the family;
  • regular walks;
  • full rest;

Most of the difficulties in feeding arise due to improper application of the baby to the breast.

  • Do not use perfumes and deodorants before breastfeeding.
  • Feeding should be carried out in a warm room.
  • Nothing should distract you, your attention is focused only on the baby.
  • Turn on calm music.
  • Close contact with the baby: "skin to skin", "eye to eye".
You can evaluate full-fledged lactation by the following signs:Your baby is gaining weight well.

  • Stool quality: mushy, yellow, homogeneous; in the first month – after each feeding. By 3-4 months, the frequency of stool decreases to 1-3 times a day.
  • The frequency of urination is at least 6 times a day. Urine is colorless, odorless.
  • Possible complications during breastfeeding.

    The first few weeks of breastfeeding a baby can be quite difficult, especially for an inexperienced mother.

  • A feeling of bursting, overflow of the breast. This is usually due to the fact that mom has a lot of milk. At the same time, the woman's well-being and body temperature are normal. The chest feels firm, tight, hot. When pumping, milk flows well from the breast.
  • Painful swelling of the mammary glands. This condition occurs quite often, especially in the first month of feeding a newborn. The main reasons may be: late application to the breast in the maternity hospital, rare application to the breast, limited time of the baby's stay at the breast. With lactostasis, more frequent application of the baby to the breast and pumping is recommended. In case of swelling, redness of the breast, seals, fever, headache, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of inflammation of the breast – mastitis.
  • Cracks and inflammation of the nipples. The main reason for the appearance of cracks and inflammation of the nipples is the incorrect application of the baby to the breast.
  • Flat or retracted nipples. In this situation, the main thing is patience and perseverance. It must be remembered that the baby sucks the breast, not the nipple. Within 1-2 weeks after giving birth, the breast changes its shape, becomes softer, and the nipple becomes more stretchable.
Basic principles of breast careBreast wash no more than 1 time a day, without using soap.

  • After each feeding, take air and sun baths.
  • After each feeding, lubricate the nipple with breast milk or cream containing lanolin.
  • Choose the right bra for a nursing mother.
    Hypogalactia is a decrease in the production of breast milk by the breast of a nursing woman.

The risk group for hypogalactia includes women who have had complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

How to increase milk production Feeding the baby on demand: apply it to the breast with any anxiety, crying.

  • Mandatory night feeding.
  • In one feeding, offer both breasts, finish feeding with the breast that you started with.
  • Constant physical contact between mom and baby perfectly stimulates lactation.
  • Psychological comfort in the family, help and support of her husband and relatives in caring for the baby.
  • Full night and day sleep.
  • Hot shower, bath, breast massage for 3 minutes 2 times a day, back and neck massage.
  • Rational and balanced nutrition with the use of additional nutritional complexes in the form of drugs or drinks. The daily drinking volume of liquid should be 1.5 – 2 liters. Drinks should be taken warm 30 minutes before feeding.
  • The use of herbal medicine.
Duration of breastfeeding When solving the problem of stopping breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the state of his health.

It is not recommended to stop breastfeeding immediately after the preventive vaccination, in the summer months.

By 9-10 months of a child's life, lactation usually decreases. If the production of breast milk persists, it is better to continue breastfeeding the baby until 1-1.5 years.

Feeding a nursing mother:It is necessary to exclude fried, smoked and products with high allergenicity from the diet: chocolate, coffee, strong tea, cocoa, shrimp, salmon fish, eggs, peanuts, as well as canned food, marinades, onions, garlic, broths containing extractive substances.

  • It is necessary to limit the use of highly allergenic products: eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, nuts, milk.
  • Reduce the diet of foods that cause fermentation in the intestines: legumes, black bread, grapes.
The daily diet of a nursing mother should include the following products:

  • lean meats (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey);
  • low-fat varieties of fish (hake, pike perch, cod);
  • cereals (buckwheat, corn, oatmeal), bread;
  • vegetables, fruits;
  • fats (butter and vegetable oil);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for nursing mothers.

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State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"