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Lipetsk, Moskovskaya st, possession 6g

Chief Physician\'s office

+7 (4742) 31-45-96

Fax number: 31-45-96

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+7 (4742) 30-70-44 What to take with you to the hospital! Порядок госпитализации
Registration office

+7 (4742) 56-96-00

+7 (4742) 56-96-01
Vaccination of pregnant women
from COVID-19

MGK Registry Office

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Hello, I wanted to know and the maternity hospital on Papa's when they will close for washing in 2021 . And then I have a PDR for the end of August . I'd like to know .

Dear Angelina!
In connection with the quarantine measures, you can find out the closing dates of the maternity hospital on Papina Street by calling the maternity hospital! 84742 56 86 34.

Hello. Due to the fact that for some time I stood in a paid clinic, I do not have time to get a birth certificate, the nurse promised to write it out upon delivery at the request of the maternity hospital. Do you have any difficulties with admission if you do not have a birth certificate?

Dear Ekaterina!
When entering the maternity hospital without a birth certificate, there are no difficulties!

Good afternoon! nonresident, I want to give birth to you. what is required for this?just a certificate or an insurance contract? if I understand correctly, there is an insurance contract before childbirth. how much does it cost and what does it give?

Dear Lilia!
Medical care during childbirth is provided independently of the registration in the round-the-clock mode on request.

Good afternoon, can I give birth in your maternity hospital under a medical policy?do I need to pay extra for any services?PDR for April 9, scheduled COP scheduled. Registration in the Tambov region.

Dear Irina!
Medical care during childbirth is provided independently of the registration in the round-the-clock mode on request.

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to go to the hospital in advance, or do you need to negotiate with the doctor for a fee?

Dear Anastasia!
Hospitalization in the maternity hospital is carried out with any pathology that requires inpatient treatment (this is determined by your doctor of the women's consultation), or with the beginning of labor (contractions, amniotic fluid discharge). The obstetric hospital works around the clock and if you have any complaints, you can contact us at any time. Do not forget your documents for admission to the maternity hospital (first of all, an exchange card).

Good afternoon! At discharge, the document stated that the birth was complicated
At work, they say, you need to additionally issue a sick leave, the maternity hospital gives a sick leave or a residential complex?

Dear Kristina,
If you gave birth in our perinatal center, then you need to call 8 4742 30 70 41 or 84742 31 45 96 to get a sick leave.

Hello! PDR May 24, 2021, tell me, has the schedule for the closure of maternity hospitals for disinfection been approved? Will the perinatal center be open during this time period?

Dear Daria!
During the time period specified by you, the "LOPTS" GUZ will not be closed for preventive treatment.

Hello, I'm from Yelets, our city maternity hospital is closed for covid patients, tell me, where are the Yelets women in labor going?

Dear Maria!
Depending on the risk group, you will be referred either to the City Maternity Hospital No. 1 in Lipetsk, or to the GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center".

Is it necessary to remove the coating from the nails?
Is it necessary to have a transparent bag, or is it still possible to use regular bags ?

Dear Anastasia!
All the necessary information about the order of admission to our maternity hospital is available on the official website of GUZ "LOPTS".

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, registered in Lipetsk on the 19th microdistrict, but the flock is registered in Dankov, because I do not live in Lipetsk, can I give birth in the Perinatal center of Lipetsk (i.e. you?)

Dear Ekaterina!
In case of self-referral during childbirth to any obstetric hospital, hospitalization is carried out regardless of whether the pregnant woman has a referral.

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State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"