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All-Russian marathon of bone marrow donation "DavayVstupay"

November 4, 2023 The All-Russian marathon of bone marrow donation is being held "#Give way"


Superservice 'Birth of a child'


Provision of vouchers for sanatorium treatment to pregnant women under the age of 35 inclusive, in need of social support


  • pregnant women under the age of 35 inclusive, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence minimum per capita (11931 rubles in 2023) are Russian citizens permanently residing in the Lipetsk region.

Provision of a permit for sanatorium treatment to the pregnant spouse of a participant of the SVO


  • the pregnant spouse of a participant in a special military operation in the territories of Ukraine, Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, residing in the Lipetsk region, her representative.

Compulsory medical examination


30th anniversary of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund





Exhibition of children's drawings and portraits of WWII participants

On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, Russians will celebrate the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In this regard, on May 4, an exhibition of children's drawings and portraits of WWII participants was organized in the GUZ "LOPTS". Employees of GUZ "LOPTS" gladly responded to this call.


About the implementation of activities



Dear Patient



A reminder about the culture of behavior


How does in-depth medical examination differ from the general one?

Currently, Russian citizens in the country's polyclinics can undergo 3 main types of preventive examinations – medical examination, in-depth medical examination and occupational examination.

Medical examination is a fast, reliable, absolutely free way to check your health, identify diseases and the risks of their occurrence in just 1-2 days in a polyclinic at your place of residence. This should become the norm and a useful habit of everyone, the same as brushing your teeth, washing your face and saying "hello" when you meet.


What do you need to know about measles?

Благодаря проведению своевременной вакцинации и высокому уровню коллективного иммунитета вот уже более 10 лет такое заболевание как корь в нашей области регистрируется только как завозные единичные случаи. До появления вакцины корь называлась детской чумой и летальность от кори составляла до 50%, а осложнения отмечались до 98%. Но забывать корь с учетом миграционных процессов и накопления не привитого населения нельзя.

Корь — это одна из распространенных и заразных детских инфекций с периодическими подъемами через каждые 3-4 года. К кори восприимчивы буквально все. Если человек не болел корью и не защищен прививкой, то даже кратковременная встреча с больным может закончиться заболеванием. Вообще корь считается детской инфекцией, но сегодня болезнь повзрослела, и ею уже болеют подростки и молодые взрослые.


Prevention of malignant tumors

In the modern world, a malignant neoplasm is a serious and dangerous disease, which is a medical and social problem.  Mortality and morbidity rates are increasing annually all over the world, which is associated with lifestyle changes, environmental degradation and an increase in the influence of external and internal adverse factors.   

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect yourself and your loved ones from this disease, but there is an effective cancer prevention that allows you to minimize the risk of the disease.  Quite a lot of research and observations have been accumulated about which factors contribute to the development of cancer, and which, on the contrary, significantly reduce the chances of a malignant tumor.


HIV is not a sentence, but a number of necessary rules should be followed

The spread of HIV infection continues to be one of the most serious problems of mankind. Despite the efforts of scientists, HIV infection is currently an incurable chronic infectious disease.For 35 years, no cardinal way of treating this disease has been found. But, thanks to modern advances in medicine, progress has been made in the fight against it.

Detected infection in the early stages, timely initiation of treatment and regular observation by a doctor – these are the basic rules, observing which an HIV-infected person can live to a very old age.In addition, new means and methods of treatment are constantly being developed – every year an HIV-infected patient has more and more chances to become a person who does not depend on HIV.


A healthy lifestyle is a factor in the prevention of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease with a prolonged course, characterized by the development of specific inflammatory changes in various organs and tissues. The causative agent of the disease (Koch's wand) was discovered by Robert Koch in 1882. Koch's wand, being in the body, secretes toxins that have a strong damaging effect on the tissues of the body. The lungs are most often affected, but the kidneys, bones and other organs can also be affected. The causative agents of tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis - accumulate in large quantities in the body of a sick person and can be released into the environment with sputum, urine and feces.  It is very stable in the external environment.

Ways of transmission of tuberculosis infection: aerogenic, alimentary, contact and intrauterine. The main way is aerogenic. The source of the spread of infection is tuberculosis patients. When coughing, laughing or sneezing, a contagious patient with pulmonary tuberculosis secretes the smallest particles of sputum containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  Transmission of the disease occurs when a person inhales air infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection also occurs when eating dairy products from animals with tuberculosis, when microbes enter the body with unboiled milk and other poorly processed dairy products.


March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease known to mankind for many centuries. They can be infected in various ways: airborne, household contact, food. The insidiousness of the infection lies in the fact that it gradually destroys the human body and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. Unfortunately, the majority of the population believes that tuberculosis affects only disadvantaged segments of the population. However, this is not the case. Anyone can get sick, and even from well-off families with normal incomes, because people have different resistance to tuberculosis.

For 41 years, the world community has been celebrating World Tuberculosis Day, which was established on March 24, 1982 by the International Union against Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases together with the World Health Organization. The selected date has a symbolic meaning. It was timed to coincide with the discovery on March 24, 1882 by the German microbiologist R. Koch of the causative agent of tuberculosis, for which the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. The initiative has found wide support and dissemination. The emblem of the tuberculosis Day is a white chamomile, which represents healthy breathing.


The field action "School of Health in the Workplace" took place at the I.A. Bunin Yelets State University.

Within the framework of the field action "School of Health in the Workplace", medical workers of the Health Center of the Yelets City Hospital No. 2 visited the Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology of the I.A. Bunin Voeletsky State University. More than 50 students and teachers of the university took part in the action.

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"