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Lipetsk, Moskovskaya st, possession 6g

Chief Physician\'s office

+7 (4742) 31-45-96

Fax number: 31-45-96

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+7 (4742) 56-96-00

+7 (4742) 56-96-01
Vaccination of pregnant women
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Determining the sex of the fetus

In the Lipetsk region, prenatal (antenatal) examination of pregnant women in order to identify congenital and hereditary pathology in the fetus is carried out in the form of centralized ultrasound screening at 11-14 and 19-21 weeks in the laboratory of prenatal diagnostics of the Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center (located on 4th floor of the building of the Regional Consultative Clinic at the address: Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., 6a) in accordance with the schedule approved by order of the UZO No. 397 dated 05/27/2013. "On the prenatal (antenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child in the first and second trimester of pregnancy."

Ultrasound examination of pregnant women is carried out in accordance with the protocol approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 457 dated 28.12.2000. "On the improvement of prenatal diagnostics in the prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases in children" (Appendix No. 2) under the compulsory medical insurance policy free of charge.

Determination of the sex of the fetus is not included in the tasks of ultrasound screening, except in cases of the presence in the family of hereditary diseases linked to sex and is an additional service provided on a paid basis.

Determination of the sex of the fetus in utero during ultrasound examination requires additional time spent by the ultrasonologist for research and can be carried out at the request of the married couple as an additional service within the framework of the provision of paid services with the conclusion of an appropriate contract (with the recording of the result both in electronic form on disk and on paper carrier - photo).

Paid services in the State Healthcare Institution "LOPTs" are organized and carried out in strict accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012. No. 1006 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations", and the pricing of paid services was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012. No. 1631n "On approval of the Procedure for determining prices (tariffs) for medical services provided by medical organizations that are budgetary and state-owned state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation", and the name of the service was determined in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011. No. 1664n "On approval of the nomenclature of medical services in health care."

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"