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Diagnostic equipment was connected to the regional medical image processing center in 12 more medical organizations of the Lipetsk region.

Within the framework of the project "Creation of a single digital circuit in healthcare based on the unified state information system in the field of healthcare (EGISZ)", diagnostic equipment was connected to the central archive of medical images (CAMI) in 12 more medical organizations of the region this year.

Heart Day

World Heart Day is celebrated on September 29, 2021. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are one of the main causes of human mortality in Russia and around the world.


The results of the All-Russian project "#DobroVSelo" on the territory of the Lipetsk region in 2021 have been summed up

From May to September 2021, the All-Russian project "DobroVSelo" took place in the territory of the Lipetsk region in the paramedic and obstetric centers: participants - doctors and medical volunteers visited the village of Novodmitrievka of the Lipetsk district, the village of Mayak of the Yelets district, More-the Khomutetsky outpatient clinic of the village of Bolshoy Khomutets, Grunin Vorgolsky FAP, Krasnopolsky FAP of the svh. Udarnik, Studeno-Vyselsky FAP of the Usmansky district.


Since the launch of the federal project "Doctor Near", more than 700 residents of the Lipetsk region have received telemedicine consultations

Since March 2021, the Health Department of the Lipetsk Region, together with the Doctor Near medical company, has launched a project to provide telemedicine assistance to residents of the region. Remote consultations are included in the system of compulsory medical insurance (CHI), and therefore are free of charge. Doctors of the medical company "Doctor near" conduct online receptions.


On September 17, 2021, the "World Patient Safety Day" is celebrated, established on May 25, 2019 by the World Health Organization.

Цель Всемирного дня безопасности пациентов – повышение глобальной осведомленности о безопасности пациентов и поощрение международной солидарности в действиях, направленных на повышение безопасности пациентов и снижение вреда для пациентов во всем мире, как профессионального сообщества, так и самих пациентов, их родственников, различных организаций, представляющих интересы пациентов.


GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center" and GUZ "Lipetsk City Polyclinic No. 1" received the first certificates of compliance with the requirements of the system of voluntary certification of medical organizations "Quality and safety of medical activity".

On September 09, 2021, a solemn presentation of certificates of a pilot project for the implementation of the system "Quality and safety of medical activities" took place in the assembly hall of the Regional Children's Hospital polyclinic.

The initiator of the project, which has been operating in the region since April 2018, is the Health Department of the Lipetsk Region, the curator is the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Institute of Quality" of Roszdravnadzor.


Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system can receive free medications.

Within the framework of the federal program "Fight against cardiovascular diseases", the health department of the Lipetsk region purchased medicines in the amount of more than 125 thousand rubles.


Practical healthcare specialists will be able to pass free accreditation in various specialties.

The accreditation and simulation center was created and successfully operates on the basis of the Center for Postgraduate Education on the initiative of the Health Department of the Lipetsk region in order to conduct the accreditation procedure for practical healthcare specialists.


Mass free vaccination against COVID-19 continues in the region

The purpose of the event is to reduce the risk of complications, reduce the number of cases and the number of deaths as a result of a new coronavirus infection.


A webinar on topical topics was held for specialists in hygienic education of the Lipetsk region.

On August 18, 2021, an online seminar was held, organized by the Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention together with the Regional Children's Hospital and the Lipetsk Regional Drug Treatment Dispensary.
More than 25 specialists of medical prevention offices (departments) of the Lipetsk region took part in the remote event.


Children's medical institutions in Lipetsk received new equipment for ultrasound

Modern ultrasound devices with a total amount of more than 20 million rubles were delivered to the children's polyclinics of the Lipetsk City Children's Hospital as part of the implementation of the regional program "Modernization of the primary health care of the Lipetsk Region" and in order to achieve the indicators of the national project "Healthcare".


There are new modern solutions in the regional consultative polyclinic.

As part of the regional program for the modernization of primary health care, significant changes have taken place in the consultative polyclinic of the Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital.


Mass free vaccination against COVID-19 continues in the region.

The purpose of the event is to reduce the risk of complications, reduce the number of cases and the number of deaths as a result of a new coronavirus infection.

Modern methods of treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the vascular centers of the Lipetsk region.

Today, there are 2 regional vascular centers equipped with X-ray operating rooms for percutaneous coronary intervention on the territory of the Lipetsk Region: on the basis of the Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital and the City Emergency Hospital No. 1, as well as 3 primary vascular departments on the basis of the Yelets City Hospital No. 1 named after N. A. Semashko, the Lebedyanskaya Central District Hospital, and the Usman Central District Hospital, from which patients are subsequently transferred to regional vascular hospitals. centers. 


The project "My first documents"



New schedule of field vaccination from COVID-19 for July 2021

In July 2021, mass vaccination against a new coronavirus infection in Lipetsk takes place at the following addresses:

Doctors examined young residents of the Volovsky district

08 июля 2021 года в детской поликлинике ГУЗ «Воловская районная больница» состоялась профилактическая акция «Неболейка». В этот день на прием к докторам пришли почти 130 юных пациентов.


Doctors invite you to get a free vaccination against COVID-19.

ATTENTION!!! Additional mobile offices have been opened

for vaccination against COVID-19 in Lipetsk


Leading medical specialists of the region visited the Usmansky district

On July 06, 2021, the preventive action "Healthy Longevity" was held in the polyclinic of the GUZ "Usman Central District Hospital".

The event was attended by doctors of the largest medical institutions of the region: GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital", GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center", GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Clinical Center", an in-depth examination of patients with chronic diseases who are already registered at the dispensary, as well as the selection of patients for recovery and treatment in regional multidisciplinary hospitals and, if necessary, outside the Lipetsk region was carried out.  


The All-Russian campaign of the Ministry of Health of Russia "HIV test: Expedition 2021" will be held in the Lipetsk region

Every year, tens of thousands of people get the opportunity to quickly and free of charge find out their HIV status. Thus, during the annual All-Russian campaign of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "HIV Test: Expedition", anyone can take an HIV test for free and anonymously in just 15 minutes and get answers to questions related to HIV prevention/AIDS.

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"