National projects of Russia. Healthcare. Medical examination.
The conference "Tuberculosis – no!" dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day was held in the Lipetsk region
In the Lipetsk region, the Lipetsk Regional Tuberculosis Sanatorium "Lesnaya Skazka" (OKU LOPS "Lesnaya Skazka") hosted a conference "Tuberculosis – no!" dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day.
The implementation of the Zemsky Doctor program continues in the Lipetsk region
One of the priority tasks of Lipetsk healthcare today is to increase the personnel potential of regional healthcare, which is being successfully solved within the framework of achieving the targets set by the federal project "Modernization of primary healthcare" and the national project "Healthcare". More than 80 doctors have moved to rural settlements and small towns of the Lipetsk region thanks to the Zemsky Doctor program implemented in the region over the past three years.
The action "Healthy longevity" united the residents of the village of Volovo
On April 19, 2022, a preventive action "Healthy longevity" took place in the polyclinic of the GUZ "Volovskaya District Hospital".
The main freelance specialists of the regional health department from the leading medical institutions of the region: the Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital, the Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center, the Lipetsk Regional Clinical Center conducted an in-depth examination of more than 100 patients with chronic diseases who are already registered at the dispensary.
Репродуктивное здоровье является важнейшей частью общего здоровья и занимает центральное место в развитии человека.
В настоящее время растет количество подростков и молодежи с различными заболеваниями, часть из которых – репродуктивной системы.
В целях исполнения плана по профилактике и предупреждению распространения инфекций, вызываемых вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ-инфекция), заболеваний туберкулезом и другими социально-значимыми заболеваниями, специалисты ГУЗ «Липецкий областной центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями» провели очередные просветительские мероприятия.
Семинары и беседы по профилактике ВИЧ-инфекции состоялись в Добринском и Грязинском районах на базе ФКУ Уголовно-исполнительной системы УФСИН России по Липецкой области.
Campaign "Young Donors"
The Lipetsk Regional Blood Transfusion Station (LOSPK) hosted the Young Donors campaign, in which students of the Lipetsk City Polytechnic University (LSTU) took part.
Lectures on HIV prevention were held in the Lipetsk region
Specialists of the Lipetsk Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases" conduct monthly classes with particularly vulnerable groups of the population in relation to HIV infection (according to the state strategy for combating the spread of HIV infection in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030).
An open lecture "Cancer is afraid of the brave" was held in Lipetsk
On February 4, 2022, on World Cancer Day, LRO VOD "Medical Volunteers", GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases" together with GUZ "Lipetsk Regional Oncological Dispensary" organized and held an open lecture "Cancer is afraid of the brave" in an online format for medical volunteers studying at colleges of the Lipetsk region.
Vaccination of teenagers has started in the Lipetsk region
The region received the first batch of the drug "Sputnik-M". 720 sets were distributed to children's polyclinics in Lipetsk, Yelets and a number of districts of the region. In total, about five thousand doses are expected.
Indications for computed tomography with COVID-19
During the pandemic caused by a new coronavirus infection, there is some excitement around computed tomography. Patients with signs of acute respiratory viral infections require doctors to immediately perform a CT scan and, if they are refused, then they sign up for a paid tomography.
Development of oncological services in the Lipetsk region
Every year, on February 4, the World Cancer Day is celebrated in all countries, the purpose of which is to remind about the danger of this disease. This date is also relevant for our country, where cancer annually claims about 300 thousand human lives.
Take part in the All-Russian Oncological dictation online!
The All-Russian Oncological Dictation will be held in Russia from February 4 to 28. What is cancer, how to prevent it and what to do if you get sick? Test your knowledge, pass the All-Russian Oncological dictation!
The health department of the Lipetsk region held a briefing on the topic: "For whom and what is the danger of the new strain of coronavirus "Omicron"
On January 28, 2022, the health department held a briefing on the spread of a new strain of coronavirus infection "Omicron".
A memo for citizens on actions in case of asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 and acute respiratory viral infection.
A vaccination against coronavirus infection has been added to the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications.
Vaccination against coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is now mandatory for certain categories of citizens.
The increased danger for people with diabetes of the new strain "Omicron" COVID-19 is noted by the chief freelance endocrinologist of the Lipetsk region Gorbunova Natalia Petrovna
The current epidemiological situation with the spread of coronavirus infection, including the new strain "Omicron" in the country and the world continues to be tense. In these circumstances, the need for early vaccination of citizens, and especially people from high-risk groups, is a key factor in the fight against the pandemic. First of all, those who suffer from the most dangerous chronic diseases with COVID-19 - endocrinological, oncological and others.
Mass free vaccination against COVID-19 continues in the region.
In order to increase the coverage of preventive vaccinations against a new coronavirus infection of the population of the Lipetsk region and to ensure their implementation in places of mass concentration of people in the region, mobile vaccination points are operating.
Dear lipchane!
Citizens who have arrived from a number of African countries and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the territory of the Russian Federation must observe an isolation regime within 14 calendar days from the date of arrival with a double laboratory examination for COVID-19 by PCR.