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A healthy lifestyle is a factor in the prevention of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease with a prolonged course, characterized by the development of specific inflammatory changes in various organs and tissues. The causative agent of the disease (Koch's wand) was discovered by Robert Koch in 1882. Koch's wand, being in the body, secretes toxins that have a strong damaging effect on the tissues of the body. The lungs are most often affected, but the kidneys, bones and other organs can also be affected. The causative agents of tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis - accumulate in large quantities in the body of a sick person and can be released into the environment with sputum, urine and feces.  It is very stable in the external environment.

Ways of transmission of tuberculosis infection: aerogenic, alimentary, contact and intrauterine. The main way is aerogenic. The source of the spread of infection is tuberculosis patients. When coughing, laughing or sneezing, a contagious patient with pulmonary tuberculosis secretes the smallest particles of sputum containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  Transmission of the disease occurs when a person inhales air infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection also occurs when eating dairy products from animals with tuberculosis, when microbes enter the body with unboiled milk and other poorly processed dairy products.


March 24 - World Tuberculosis Day

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease known to mankind for many centuries. They can be infected in various ways: airborne, household contact, food. The insidiousness of the infection lies in the fact that it gradually destroys the human body and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. Unfortunately, the majority of the population believes that tuberculosis affects only disadvantaged segments of the population. However, this is not the case. Anyone can get sick, and even from well-off families with normal incomes, because people have different resistance to tuberculosis.

For 41 years, the world community has been celebrating World Tuberculosis Day, which was established on March 24, 1982 by the International Union against Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases together with the World Health Organization. The selected date has a symbolic meaning. It was timed to coincide with the discovery on March 24, 1882 by the German microbiologist R. Koch of the causative agent of tuberculosis, for which the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. The initiative has found wide support and dissemination. The emblem of the tuberculosis Day is a white chamomile, which represents healthy breathing.


The field action "School of Health in the Workplace" took place at the I.A. Bunin Yelets State University.

Within the framework of the field action "School of Health in the Workplace", medical workers of the Health Center of the Yelets City Hospital No. 2 visited the Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology of the I.A. Bunin Voeletsky State University. More than 50 students and teachers of the university took part in the action.

A qualified medic got a job in the FAP of the Zadonsky Central District Hospital thanks to the Zemsky Paramedic program

Within the framework of the federal project for the modernization of primary health care, the health department of the Lipetsk region is constantly working to attract personnel to medical institutions.

To do this, there are various support measures for health workers in the region. One of such measures is the Zemsky Paramedic program, thanks to which Alexey Viktorovich Novoseltsev, a paramedic, was hired at the Kashar paramedic-obstetric center of the Zadonskaya Central District Hospital in December 2022.


About 5 thousand studies were carried out on the new ultrasound machine during the year in Yelets City Hospital No. 2

In the polyclinic of the Yelets City Hospital No. 2 in 2021, an ultrasound diagnostic system "ULTRASOUND-Electron" was purchased at a cost of about 4 million rubles. Modern equipment was acquired thanks to the project "Modernization of primary health care".

In 2022, about 4 thousand people were examined with the help of an ultrasound diagnostic system and about 5 thousand studies were conducted.


The action "Youth for healthy lifestyle" united more than 100 students of the Lipetsk Metallurgical College

In the Lipetsk region, active work continues to promote a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and the prevention of socially significant diseases among children and youth. So, last week at the Lipetsk Metallurgical College in an entertaining interactive format, the first action of this year "Youth for healthy lifestyle" took place, in which more than 100 students took part.










Into a new life – with comfort: a family ward for babies and their parents has appeared in the Lipetsk perinatal center

In the obstetric department No. 2 of the Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center (LOPC), a new family room of increased comfort is being opened. After giving birth, young mothers can stay in it not only with their newborn babies, but also with other relatives: a separate room is provided for them with the possibility of a round-the-clock stay.

The ward is equipped with a TV, shower, refrigerator, modern furniture and interior items. A space has been allocated to prepare mom for discharge with access to a hairdresser and makeup artist.

"In our perinatal center, we welcome partner births, and we are glad that now newly—minted parents have the opportunity to spend the first days together in a comfortable and private environment after the birth of the baby," said the chief physician of the Lipetsk regional Perinatal Center, Mikhail Evgenyevich Shchegolkov.


A preventive action "Stroke. Prevent it in time"

On October 27, a preventive action "Stroke. Prevent it in time", the main goal of which is to raise public awareness about the signs and risk factors of stroke.

As part of the campaign, the participants of the event were able to undergo a variety of examinations:


Doctors from the Lipetsk region went to help the children of Donbass

On Monday, October 31, 2022, from the main building of the Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital, medical workers of children's medical institutions of the region went on a business trip to the DPR to conduct examination and treatment of children of the Volodarsky and Pershotravny districts of the republic.

This is the first trip of Lipetsk doctors to the areas of the new territories of the Russian Federation. They were escorted on their way by the head of the Government of the Lipetsk region I. G. Artamonov, representatives of the regional health department, the Association of Medical Workers of the Lipetsk region, colleagues and relatives.


Monitoring and forecasting of the personnel needs of the Lipetsk region


Alcohol and the human nervous system

Chronic alcoholism is a serious medical, social and economic problem.Factors contributing to the development of alcoholism are genetic predisposition, social conditions and environment contribute to a lesser extent. The nervous system can suffer not only in people who are alcoholics. It all depends on the doses of alcohol, concomitant health problems and individual characteristics of metabolism. Sometimes 1-2 bottles of beer several times a week are enough for the development of the disease. Let's think about our youth! Let's consider the most common and, unfortunately, easily recognizable lesions of the nervous system in alcoholism. Alcoholic encephalopathy is a disease in which brain cells are destroyed under the influence of alcohol, brain matter is replaced by liquid. First of all, alcoholic degeneration of the cerebellum appears, and then the large hemispheres suffer. With alcoholic encephalopathy, coordination and balance are disturbed in a person, hands tremble, the circle of interests narrows, then appetite decreases, especially for protein foods, later aggressiveness prevails, mood swings, fear and anxiety appear. Patients do not sleep either day or night. There are cramps in the limbs, trembling throughout the body. Often, especially at night, there are attacks of chills and sweating, palpitations, discomfort in the heart area. The development of alcoholic encephalopathy is preceded by long-term (from 6-7 to 20 years or more) daily drunkenness, but in women this disease develops earlier. Often such patients abuse various kinds of alcoholic surrogates. Often acute forms of alcoholic encephalopathy develop in the spring, when hypovitaminosis is noted, and even during a binge, such people are disgusted with food. This is accompanied by heartburn, abdominal pain.

Geriatrician's Advice: how to protect the elderly from coronavirus infection.

The situation with coronavirus in the Lipetsk region continues to be tense. Both adults and children are sick, but there are still many pensioners among the patients who ended up in hospital beds. How vulnerable are older people? How to protect your grandparents? Advice of the chief freelance geriatrician of the regional health department.

Walking is like physical activity. Health benefits.

To date, walking is the most affordable means of recovery and weight loss. With regular walking exercises, the cardiovascular system improves - the heart rate increases, blood pressure normalizes and the heart trains. According to research, daily walks of 30 minutes can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%, and if you accelerate the pace in the process, the risk will be 40% lower. Vascular strengthening also occurs – the more often you walk, the lower the risk of osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with vascular damage.

Ambulance stations can hire students and graduates of medical schools

Since August 22, students and graduates of medical schools can work in ambulance crews. The Government has established in which cases they can be allowed to work. The special procedure is valid until the end of 2023. Paramedics can be students who have completed the 4th course in medicine, pediatrics or dentistry, and graduates in these specialties or nursing.

Flu vaccination for the elderly

Old age is a time when immunity gradually weakens, chronic diseases and metabolic disorders are acquired, which makes patients more vulnerable to various infections. This is especially true in relation to severe complications after the flu, which can lead to hospitalization, and in some cases to death. Many elderly people believe that the flu is not dangerous for them due to the fact that they rarely leave the house, rarely visit crowded places. But you can get infected even in the nearest store, during visits of children or grandchildren, as well as in a polyclinic

How to lose weight with the help of sports walking

According to statistics, every ninth person in the world suffers from some form of obesity. It's not easy to lure overweight people to the gym, because not everyone is ready to follow a healthy lifestyle and attend exhausting strength fitness workouts. Is there an easy and affordable way to lose weight? The doctors ' advice reads: sports walking is suitable for absolutely all people. The initial physical form and state of health do not matter if you are engaged in an amateur type of sports walking. It is not worth looking back at professional athletes, because they set completely different goals for themselves and move towards them with the help of high physical activity.



Patient safety is a fundamental principle of medical care.

Every kind, shape and conditions of medical care are accompanied by certain risks for patients.

State healthcare Institution
"Lipetsk Regional Perinatal Center"
398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

Travel by bus №№ 30,330, 300, 324, 22, 322, 325
17, 317, 346, 308 to the stop " Polygraphic"