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A healthy lifestyle is a factor in the prevention of tuberculosis


Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease with a prolonged course, characterized by the development of specific inflammatory changes in various organs and tissues. The causative agent of the disease (Koch's wand) was discovered by Robert Koch in 1882. Koch's wand, being in the body, secretes toxins that have a strong damaging effect on the tissues of the body. The lungs are most often affected, but the kidneys, bones and other organs can also be affected. The causative agents of tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis - accumulate in large quantities in the body of a sick person and can be released into the environment with sputum, urine and feces.  It is very stable in the external environment.

Ways of transmission of tuberculosis infection: aerogenic, alimentary, contact and intrauterine. The main way is aerogenic. The source of the spread of infection is tuberculosis patients. When coughing, laughing or sneezing, a contagious patient with pulmonary tuberculosis secretes the smallest particles of sputum containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  Transmission of the disease occurs when a person inhales air infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection also occurs when eating dairy products from animals with tuberculosis, when microbes enter the body with unboiled milk and other poorly processed dairy products.

The first signs of tuberculosis:

  1. Rapid fatigue and general weakness.
  2. Decreased and/or lack of appetite, weight loss.
  3. Excessive sweating, especially in the morning and mainly in the upper torso.
  4. The appearance of shortness of breath with small physical exertion
  5. Prolonged, untreatable cough or coughing with sputum (possibly with blood).
  6. A slight, not felt increase in body temperature to +37.2, + 37.8.

The source of infection is a sick person who sometimes does not even know about his illness, since tuberculosis can occur like a common cold, untreated pneumonia, and sometimes asymptomatic, therefore, prevention and early detection are of particular importance in tuberculosis.

The primary role in the prevention of tuberculosis belongs to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, a reasonable combination of work and rest, improvement of working conditions.

Factors that weaken the body's defenses contribute to the development of tuberculosis:

  1. Overwork, stress, prolonged excessive excitement;
  2. Malnutrition;
  3. Chronic diseases – lung diseases, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  4. Alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco smoking.
  5. Various immunodeficiency conditions, especially HIV and AIDS.

The greatest risk of infection is exposed to a person who is in prolonged household contact with a mycobacterium-secreting patient with pulmonary tuberculosis who does not receive treatment.
The vast majority (90%) of infected individuals do not develop tuberculosis if their immune system is not weakened.
The weakening of immunity due to HIV infection is the most significant factor affecting the development of tuberculosis after infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In people with combined tuberculosis and HIV infection, the risk of developing tuberculosis during their lifetime is estimated to be within 50%.

It is possible to detect tuberculosis in adults:

  • sputum examination for mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • with the help of an annual fluorographic examination method;
  • examination of urine for mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In order not to get tuberculosis, it is necessary, first of all, to lead a healthy lifestyle. IT MUST BE REMEMBERED THAT TUBERCULOSIS IS USUALLY CURABLE, BUT IT IS BETTER TO PREVENT THIS INSIDIOUS DISEASE THAN TO TREAT IT!

Do everything possible to increase the body's defenses: eat well, exercise regularly, and spend more time outdoors. If you often have to stay in stuffy, unventilated rooms, try to do wet cleaning as often as possible and ventilate as much as possible.

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Podtikhova Olga Vladimirovna

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398055, Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., possession 6g (84742) 31-45-96; Факс: 31-45-96

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