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Principles of rational nutrition.


Rational nutrition should be based on the theory of a balanced diet and provide for the correct mode of food consumption. It is necessary to know and observe the three principles of rational nutrition: moderation, variety, and eating habits. 

Moderation in the diet does not allow you to consume more or less energy with food than it is consumed in the course of life. The variety of food in the diet with the greatest degree of probability guarantees the intake of all the essential components of nutrition in the body. A certain diet (the time of meals during the day, as well as the quantity and quality of food at each meal) supports the appetite in the right framework.


The first principle of rational nutrition is moderation. 

Moderation in nutrition is necessary to maintain a balance between the energy received from food and the energy consumed in the process of life.

The basic exchange is the minimum amount of energy that a person needs to maintain life in a state of complete rest. This exchange usually happens during sleep in a comfortable environment. It is most often calculated in relation to a "standard" man (age 30 years, body weight 65 kg) or to a "standard" woman (the same age, body weight 55 kg) engaged in light physical labor. The basic metabolism depends on age (in young children it is 1.3-1.5 times higher per unit of body weight than in adults), on the total body weight, on the external living conditions and individual characteristics of a person.

Physical activity has a significant impact on energy consumption in the human body. The more physical activity, the more energy the human body spends. The daily energy consumption of a person depends on age, gender, body weight, the nature of work, climatic conditions and individual characteristics of the course of metabolic reactions in the body.

With a short-term lack of energy value of food, the body partially consumes spare substances, mainly fat (from adipose tissue) and carbohydrates (glycogen).    With a long-term lack of energy-valuable food, the body consumes not only reserve carbohydrates and fats, but also proteins, which, first of all, leads to a decrease in the mass of skeletal muscles, and, consequently, to the occurrence and development of dystrophy.

The second principle of rational nutrition is diversity.

 The variety of food consists of various combinations of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
The energy value of the diet depends on the proteins, fats and carbohydrates that make up it. Carbohydrates supply mainly energy, while fats and especially proteins not only supply the body with energy, but also are the necessary material for the renewal of cellular and subcellular structures.

The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a practically healthy person is close to 1:1,2: 4. This ratio is most favorable for maximum satisfaction of both plastic and energy needs of the human body. Proteins in most cases should make up 12 %, fats-30-35% of the total caloric content of the diet. Only in the case of a significant increase in the share of physical labor and an increase in energy requirements in this regard, the protein content in the diet can be reduced to 11% of its total caloric content (due to an increase in the share of fats and carbohydrates as suppliers of calories).

When determining a person's need for fat, it is necessary to take into account the need to fully provide the body with full-fledged fatty substances, namely: essential fatty polyunsaturated acids necessary for cell renewal and intracellular components, as well as fat-soluble vitamins.

Sugar is a carrier of so-called empty calories, it does not contain any essential components of nutrition. It is recommended to limit the consumption of sugar and confectionery products as much as possible.

Vitamins occupy a special place in the diet, being its indispensable factor. The needs of the human body in all the necessary minerals, as a rule, are fully satisfied with the usual food set.


The third principle of rational nutrition is the mode of eating.

A person's diet is usually regulated by appetite. Everyone knows the feeling of hunger, which signals that it is important to get a new portion of food.

Fractional nutrition (5-6 times a day) suppresses the excitement of the food center and reduces appetite. At the same time, sometimes one apple or a glass of kefir is enough. It should also be remembered that spicy and salty dishes (not to mention alcohol) significantly increase the appetite.

So, increased appetite can be harmful to health, but its complete absence should be alarming. To maintain the appetite in the right framework, it is very important to observe the correct diet.



  • The time between breakfast and lunch, as well as between lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours.
  • After dinner, it should take 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Proper nutrition is especially important for the child's body. For infants, the breaks between meals should be 3 hours.
  • The diet should not be treated as a dogma. Changing living conditions can make their own adjustments to it. Moreover, some changes in the diet should be made from time to time specifically for the purpose of training the digestive system.
  • ·         However, as with the training of other organs and systems, you can not allow too sharp changes in the diet.




Chief freelance specialist nutritionist

health departments of the Lipetsk region

Plotnikova Yana Yakovlevna


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